– Sclerites generally large (0.3-2.0 mm), comprised of double-headed
clubs, spindles, capstans, stars, rosettes, cups, or plates. Cortex
generally loculated. Calyces often very prominent, often appearing
spiky, conical, cylindrical or shelf-like, generally with a well
developed crown ....................................Family
Calyces of top left: Muricea
pendula (courtesy NMNH/FM Bayer); top right:
Scleracis guadalupensis; bottom left: crown
and points of Thesea nivea; bottom right:
conical calyces of Thesea nivea
6b. – Small
sclerites (<0.2mm) made of warty spindles, small radiates and
flattened rods; generally symmetrical, except for sometimes having
partially fused discs. Cortex unloculated or minimally so. Calyces
moderately prominent, hemispherical or flush, generally with a poorly
developed crown .....................................Family

top left: stem of Leptogorgia
setacea; top right: weak crown of Leptogorgia
hebes; bottom: calyces of Leptogorgia