1a. – Colonies attached to substrate with a basal disc or
holdfast. Colony generally moderately branching to highly arborescent
(although a few species may have a single unattached stalk). No
leaf-like structures. No oozooid present. Cortical sclerites present
in all species; medullar or axial sclerites present in some species
Order Alcyonacea............................…...…2
top left: Bellonella
rubistella, showing base attached to substrate; top
right: branching pattern of Muricea pendula; bottom:
holdfast of Muricea pendula
1b. – Colonies with a basal muscular peduncle for anchoring in soft substrate.
Growth form foliose, bilateral, whip-like or clavate, but
not branching, sometimes with leaf-like structures on stem. oozooid
present, with autozooids and siphonozooids on rachis.
Sclerites usually present in form of three-flanged rods, plates
or needles, never spindles, but absent in axis
Order Pennatulacea…....................................…9
Sclerobelemnon theseus, showing peduncle; middle:
Renilla reniformis, showing peduncle; right:
Virgularia presbytes, showing leaf structures