Family Gorgoniidae
Leptogorgia hebes
Verrill, 1869
Leptogorgia hebes Verrill, 1869b:422.
Remarks. Leptogorgia hebes
is a very common species in the shallow SAB and can be found on
hardbottom or reef environments along with Titanideum frauenfeldii
and Leptogorgia virgulata. The colonies reach moderate
size and take on a fan-like form, pinnately branching in one plane.
The calyces are hemispherical near the main branch and less distinct
near the terminal ends of the twigs, and calyx opening is slit-like.
There is often a distinct groove that runs down two sides of the
slightly flattened branched. Terminal twigs are 1-2 mm, while branches
near base may be up to 6 mm.
The sclerites are blunt capstans, up to 0.1 mm, and flattened serrated
rods of approximately the same size. L. hebes is usually
bright red, orange or dark yellow, but colonies of purple have been
recorded (Bayer, 1961).
There are numerous lots of this species in the NMNH from
the shallow SAB.
Atlantic distribution: Virginia to north Florida,
8-116 m; Gulf of Mexico, 0-37 m; Aruba, unknown depth; Brazil (unknown
depth) (Deichmann, 1935; Bayer, 1961; NMNH collections; SERTC collection).

Figure 3. Sclerites of Leptogorgia hebes
(S1863); a-c) spindles from coenenchyme; d,e) flat anthocodial rods
(scale bar = 20 µm).

Figure 1. Leptogorgia hebes in situ.

Figure 2. Leptogorgia hebes in situ.

Figure 4. Stem and polyps of Leptogorgia hebes,
live specimen.

Figure 5. Leptogorgia hebes colony (S430,
preserved specimen), approximately 15 cm in height.