Family Gorgoniidae
Leptogorgia cardinalis
(Bayer, 1961)
Lophogorgia cardinalis Bayer, 1961:201 fig
60; plate VII fig. 5.
Remarks. The Florida specimen
examined for this work is the only record of presence of this species
in the SAB. The specimen is 46 mm in length and the branches are
1.5 mm in diameter. The branches are regularly pinnate in one plane,
generally straight or with a slight curve. The calyces are moderately
prominent, rounded and biserial, giving the branches a flattened
appearance. Sclerites are in the form of slender, acute spindles,
reaching almost 0.2 mm, and some blunt capstans reaching 0.1 mm.
Anthocodial rods are present and are approximately the same size
as the spindles. The rods are pink and the spindles and capstans
pale orange. The colony color is bright red or orange.
The examined specimen has acute spindles that are longer and more
slender than Bayer’s (1961) description, in which he notes
the variance in the spindles and anthocodial rods. The described
spiculation of this species resembles that of L. punicea, so distinguishing the two species may be easier when comparing colony
morphology rather than sclerites.
Atlantic distribution: Gulf of Mexico, northern
Florida to Cuba, 19-77 m (Bayer, 1961; NMNH collections).
Figure 2. Sclerites of Leptogorgia cardinalis
(USNM 72437); a,b) anthocodial rods; c,d) elongate spindles from
coenenchyme; e-h) small spindles from coenenchyme. Scale-bar = 50

Figure 1. Leptogorgia cardinalis, preserved specimen (USNM
72437). Scale bar = 5mm.