– Encrusting colonies, or branching colonies with terminal
primary polyp and budded lateral daughter polyps arising from sheet-like, ribbon-like, or reticulating stolons. Calyces long, cylindrical,
with retractable polyps
left: Scleranthelia rugosa
var. rugosa, showing stolons; right: Telesto
sanguinea, showing terminal primary polyp
2b. – Colonies
not encrusting; possessing a shared, fleshy coenenchyme and/or a
membranous or fleshy stalk or base. Colonies without a primary or
terminal polyp from which all daughters arise. Calyces spiky,
dome-like, flush, or cylindrical, but not long..................3

top left: Pseudodrifa nigra,
showing fleshy stalk and base; top right: Thesea
nivea, showing domelike calyces; bottom: Leptogorgia
hebes, showing lack of primary polyps