3a. – Stiff colonies with spiculated structure and hollow
or solid (horny) central axis. Gastric cavities not extending to
base of colony. Colonies highly branching, whip-like, or digitate.
Polyps often scattered throughout surface of coenenchyme................................................4

top left: Titanideum frauenfeldii;
top right: Iciligorgia schrammi; bottom
left: Leptogorgia virgulata; bottom right:
Muricea pendula, showing stem tip and polyp arrangement
3b. – Soft
corals; colonies with fleshy base and no solid axis. Gastric cavities
of polyps extending to base of colony. Colonies moderately arborescent,
clavate or club-like. Polyps often in clusters.
Suborder Alcyoniina…................................….7

left: Pseudodrifa
nigra; middle: Nidalia occidentalis;
right: Bellonella rubistella