A class on the beach surrounding an instructor

Upcoming Trainings

Past trainings have included Nature Based Solutions to Coastal Hazards, Adaptation Planning for Coastal Communities, Wilderness First Aid, Coastal Wetland Identification, Community Based Social Marketing, Building Risk Communication Skills, Communicating Climate Change, and Introduction to Social Science Methods.

How to Balance Growth, Development, and Conservation: Planning with State Protected Species Data

Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 1PM-4PM


Participants will learn how to use and interpret South Carolina National Heritage Program's (SCNHP) tools and datasets for the purpose of making species-conscious regulatory recommendations and decisions. Participants are encouraged to bring a project from their municipality to talk through.

The ACE Basin Coastal Training Program is an approved provider of continuing education credits by AICP, ASFPM, and SCPEAC.

Don't see what you're looking for? Coastal Training Program Coordinator, Olivia Greenslit, at GreenslitO@dnr.sc.gov.