Coastal Birds in South Carolina - Research & Resources
In addition to South Carolina beaches, shorebirds also utilize managed wetlands as places to forage and roost. South Carolina contains approximately 70,000 acres of managed wetlands many of which are impoundments managed for migratory waterfowl (Montague et al. 1987). Impoundments can also provide resources for shorebirds and wading birds. To attract shorebirds and wading birds, managed impoundments are drawn down over an extended period in the spring offering various water depths. Shorebirds forage on the invertebrates and crustaceans found in the soil. Bear Island WMA and the Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center Heritage Preserve are SCDNR properties that incorporate a portion of managed impoundments devoted to shorebird habitat. Bulls Island in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge has numerous ponds that often have migratory shorebirds.Additional information about managing impoundments for shorebirds:
- Managing Impoundments to Benefit Wading Birds and Shorebirds (SCDNR)
- Shorebird Management Manual (Wetlands for the Americas) (PDF)
- Shorebirds (Wildlife Habitat Council) (PDF)
Montague, C. L., A. V. Zale, and H. F. Percival. 1987. Ecological effects of coastal marsh impoundments: a review. Environmental Management 11:743-756.