Characterization of the Ashepoo-Combahee-Edisto (ACE) Basin, South Carolina
Research and Monitoring
Research and monitoring in the ACE Basin is a major priority. The area provides a benchmark against which to compare other coastal areas where significant human disturbances are occurring. Such comparisons are necessary in developing and understanding the impacts, both obvious and subtle, on coastal resources. Research and monitoring activities in the Basin are guided by national, state, and local plans that identify goals, priorities, and implementation strategies. This approach, when coordinated with a comprehensive program of education, interpretation and outreach, provides for management-oriented research that has utility for solving management issues. The primary research arm for the ACE Basin is the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS). Goals and priorities are coordinated through NERRS and relate directly to the ACE Basin and coastal resource management. Research opportunities in the ACE Basin are available to any qualified scientist, academician, or student affiliated with any university, college, or school; nonprofit research institution; private profit organization; or state, local, or federal government agency. Graduate research fellowships for the ACE Basin are also available through the NERRS.