Wildlife Management Areas

The Wildlife Management Area (WMA) program is made up of different types of public lands , offering different opportunities.
“Specific” or “Named” WMAs are generally larger tracts of land, many owned and managed by SCDNR and have special seasons. These WMAs are shown as dark green tracts on WMA maps. The hunting seasons for named WMAs are listed within each Game Zone.
“Other” or “Unnamed” WMA lands occur as scattered tracts, often leased from private landowners and the forest industry. The hunting seasons for these unnamed properties are set by Game Zone with all the “other” WMA tracts within a particular Game Zone having the same seasons. These “other” WMA lands are shown as unlabeled green tracts on the WMA maps.
Public hunting areas managed for doves. They are open on a first-come basis and may become busy. Users should respect other hunters and landowners whose cooperation makes public dove fields possible. A hunting license, WMA permit, and migratory bird permit are required for use. Dove fields may only be accessed during posted days and times.
The following special regulations apply to ALL Wildlife Management Area Public Dove Fields:
- Hunters are limited to 50 shells per hunt
- Dove hunting on all public fields is “Afternoon Only.” No entry onto fields before noon
- No shooting after 6:00 p.m. during the first segment of the season (Sept. 2 - Oct. 7)
Public Bird Dog Training Areas
Open September 15 – March 15, except Sundays, provide designated areas to train bird dogs. All users must possess a hunting license, WMA permit, and wear visible international orange.
WMA Waterfowl on Management Areas
The Department may designate sections of Wildlife Management Areas and other lands and waters managed by the agency as Designated Waterfowl Management Areas. SCDNR may set special shooting hours, bag limits, and methods of hunting and taking waterfowl on those areas. All State and Federal migratory bird laws and regulations apply.
Properties protected for their natural features and cultural resources. These properties provide resources for scientific research, serve as reservoirs of natural and historical elements and habitats for rare and threatened species. Preserves are open for public education and recreational uses in accordance with Heritage Trust Regulations. Many of these properties are also included in the WMA program, with hunting and fishing allowed.
The WMA Game Zone map listed above is in the Adobe PDF file format. Adobe® Reader® is required to open the files and is available as a free download from the Adobe® Web site.