Scenic Rivers - Frequently Asked Questions

River maps and info - Where can I get maps and information to prepare for a river trip?
See – Guides and Maps for South Carolina Rivers and Waterways – which provides a detailed list of sources and links to information.
Go to the Paddle SC website ( – Explore maps and information that introduce boating opportunities on waterways throughout South Carolina.
Trees are blocking the river - Who can clear the trees so I can navigate my boat in the river?
For most South Carolina rivers, there is not a government program established and equipped to clear fallen trees blocking navigation for recreational boaters.
The typical approach to this problem (trees blocking river boating passage) is that citizens who use the rivers for recreation are the ones who work to keep the rivers open for navigation. In many places, individuals or organized groups will periodically take their saws to the river to cut and maintain a boater’s pathway through fallen trees.
A word of Caution: Cutting fallen trees and tree limbs can be dangerous and difficult work, especially when working from a boat. Anyone considering this type of work should understand and be prepared and skilled at handling saws and boats to avoid potential hazards.
Generally, DNR encourages river users to learn to live with fallen trees that are in a river because the tree material is usually a result of natural processes (normal bank erosion or storms) and trees in the river provide habitat for fish and wildlife.
For those who propose to remove tree material to allow for boat navigation, we suggest leaving most of the tree material in place in the stream channel and clearing only the minimum amount of material needed to allow passage of boats typically used on the river.
See this DNR webpage - Woody Debris Removal and Navigation – for more information and recommendations on removing tree material from rivers.
If logging or timbering operations have caused tree material, logs or limbs, to enter the river, then the S.C. Forestry Commission should be notified (call (803) 896-8800). The S.C. Forestry Commission will investigate, determine if logging/timber harvests are the source of the problem, and require removal of the material at the expense of the logger and/or landowner.
South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA), Maritime Research Division issues permits or licenses for this activity. Contact information: (803) 576-6566.
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and US Army Corps of Engineers issue permits for these and similar activities in waterways. The DNR provides some explanation of these regulatory agencies and contact information.
Go to the South Carolina Nature-Based Tourism Association website – Check the members list of this organization to find outfitters, retailers, clubs and non-profits involved in paddle-sport recreation, and some members provide equipment, instruction, and/or guided tours. Other outfitters, some not affiliated with this association, may also be available in your area.