Department of Natural Resources Budget Reductions
The SCDNR number of full time employees for FY 2001 was 866 and for FY 2011 was 640.
This represents a change of -266 or -31.6%.
The SCDNR General Fund appropriations for FY 2001 were $31,159,196 and for FY 2011 were $14,814,081.
This represents a change of -$16,345,115 or -52.6%.
Budget Reductions
- Water monitoring lab closed.
- Reduced operating expenses with USGS by 29% by eliminating support of 10 groundwater and 3 surface water monitoring stations.
- Initiated volunteer climate data gathering network instead of installing planned automated climate data network.
- Cancelled all maintenance contracts on major marine scientific equipment.
- Permanently closed two fish hatcheries and suspended freshwater fishing angler surveys.
- Eliminated Devine Street office and merged staff into existing space in the Dennis Building.
- Closed internal printshop.
- Discontinued technical assistance to private pond owners.
- Discontinued the sale of fish to private pond owners.
- Discontinued direct map services to the public and enhanced internet/GIS availability of maps.
- Discontinued intern program with Clemson University.
- Discontinued minority intern program.
- Discontinued outreach programs to include “Becoming an Outdoors Woman” and school animal programs.
- Discontinued South Carolina Wildlife ETV program.
- Reduction of wildlife plantings on Wildlife Management Areas (WMA’s) and delayed renovation and repair of several other sections of WMA roads.
- Three northern coastal waterfowl management areas have been placed under the supervision of one biologist.
- Reduced conservation district staff and consolidated responsibilities for reduced staffing.
- Reduced agency support for Camp Wildwood and other education programs.
- Purchase of new equipment has been greatly reduced to all but the most critical pieces.
- From Fiscal Year 2003-October 2010, 245 vacancies being carried. This was 29% of the agency’s authorized FTEs. 95 of those were law enforcement officers, leaving four counties with only one officer and one county without any officers.
- Five public dove fields were eliminated. Other dove fields less intensively managed.
- Outside funding secured from the Corps of Engineers to support the operation of an office in Greenwood.
- Shifted activities (where possible) to grant and other funding sources.
- Changed funding sources on selected positions from general funds to revenue and from general funds to federal funds in order to maximize match leverage.
- Offered retirement and voluntary separation packages, resulting in 136 participants leaving the agency.
- Closed the Conway customer service office.
- Reduced active management for three legislatively approved State Scenic Rivers by 75%.
- Out-of-state travel has been reduced.
- Infrastructure projects delayed, other than those previously funded through supplemental appropriations.
- Terminated 19 hourly employees.
- Twice implemented Reduction-In-Force that resulted in twelve terminations, one demotion and one reassignment.
- Offered retirement and voluntary separation packages, resulting in 63 participants leaving the agency.
- All agency boats are being operated at 2/3 power/ speed unless under emergency response.
- Continued mileage restriction for Law Enforcement Officers.