South Carolina State Climatology Office
American Association of State Climatologists

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South Carolina State Climatology Office

The South Carolina State Climatology Office was formally established in 1986 by Chapter 25, Title 49 of the South Carolina Code of laws.

Mission Statement:

To provide timely, high quality, and pertinent climate data and information to public and private customers and decision makers in South Carolina.

The South Carolina State Climatology Office strives to acquire, archive, process, and disseminate, in the most cost-effective way possible, all climate and weather information that is or could be of value to public officials, corporations, and private citizens in the state. Much of the data is provided at no cost, or for a nominal fee, under current state law.

Program Objectives:

  1. Act as liaison between users of weather and climate information in South Carolina and the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  2. Maintain a data bank of climatological information.
  3. Provide data in a form useful to users.
  4. Refer requests for complex analyses to the appropriate person, agency, or consulting firm.
  5. Maintain contact with users of climatic information to ascertain their needs for data and analyses
  6. Maintain contact with researchers to convey the user needs to them and promote applied research.
  7. Maintain a bibliography of publications pertinent to the climate of South Carolina.
State Climatology Office Welcome ¦ Contact Info ¦  Site Map
Columbia, SC 29202

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