Boating - Title and Register a Watercraft or Outboard Motor in SC
Frequently Asked Questions
What forms do I need to register or title my boat or motor?
In order to title and/or register a watercraft or outboard motor you must complete the Watercraft/Outboard Motor Titling and Registration Application -(Adobe PDF). Other documentation is required depending on the situation. The Registration and Titling area lists many scenarios and the documentation required.
Where can I register my boat or outboard motor?
You may conduct any titling and registration transactions at one of our full- service regional offices located in West Columbia at the State Farmer’s Market, Charleston and the Horry County located in Aynor.SCDNR regional offices listed on this webpage.
Do I need to pay property taxes before I register or title the boat?
If you have purchased a boat/motor that is currently titled and registered in SC you must pay property taxes to your county of residence before contacting SCDNR to transfer ownership into your name. Your application, titles, bill of sale and other required documents must be accompanied by the paid property tax receipt.
If you have purchased a boat/motor from out of state or you are titling and registering a brand new boat/motor you will be billed by your county after completing the titling/registration process with SCDNR. If you purchased a boat or motor from out of state that has previously been titled in SC, you must pay property taxes before titling/registering with SCDNR.
Can I use my boat while I'm waiting for my registration/title to be processed?
Yes, you may operate your boat using your temporary certificate of number and a photocopy of your bill of sale or titles. The temporary certificate of number is located at the bottom right corner of the watercraft/outboard motor application. The temporary certificate of number is valid for up to 60 days from the date of purchase. The temporary certificate of number applies only to new and previously owned watercraft and may not be accepted by other states.
Fees vary depending on your circumstances.
Can I renew my registration online?
You can renew your watercraft online only if:
- The boat has been determined tax exempt by your county.
- The property taxes have been paid to the county but the registration renewal fee of $10.00 was not paid to the county.
What if I lose my boat or outboard motor decals or registration card?
If your registration is current and you have lost or destroyed your registration card or decals you will need to fill out the Boating Renewal, Duplicate Decals, and Registration Cards Application - and enclose the appropriate fee.
How do I report my change of address?
You must fill out a Notification of Address Change within 30 days of any change and mail to:
SC Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 167,
Columbia, SC 29202
Do I need to notify Department of Natural Resources when I sell my boat?
The seller must notify the SC Department of Natural Resources in writing of any change in status of a watercraft or outboard motor using the Request for Boat and/or Motor Status Change - ( Adobe PDF - file size 24Kb) within 30 days (For Tax purposes) of the change.
SC Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 167
Columbia, SC 29202
The seller should keep a copy for their tax records. For taxable boats or motors the status change will stop any future tax bills. S.C. Law prohibits the sale or purchase of watercraft without a valid title issued in the seller's name to assign over to the purchaser at the time of sale.
What are the requirements to title a boat and outboard motor coming in from another state?
- Purchased Out of State From a Titling State
- Purchased Out of State From a Nontitling State
- Purchased Used Out of State from a Dealer
Watercraft - Move here from another state
The following application, forms, supporting documentation and required fees will be needed to obtain a S.C. title and registration for your Watercraft.
- Title in your name if you are moving from a titling state.
- Provide your Current Registration Card, if available, otherwise provide registration number.
- Pencil tracing (if traceable), or printed photograph of Hull Identification Number.
- Completed and Signed Application
- Fee of $40 for new registration and title
Outboard Motor - Move here from another state
The following application, forms, supporting documentation and required fees will be needed to obtain a S.C. title for your Outboard Motor.
- Title in your name if you are moving from titling states (Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas or Utah). If you are moving from any other state, send a Bill of Sale or statement explaining how the outboard motor was obtained.
- Pencil tracing (if traceable), or printed photograph of Serial and Model Number on outboard motor.
- Completed and Signed Application
- Fee of $10 for new title
Watercraft - Purchased from out-of-state marine dealer
The following application, forms, supporting documentation and required fees will be needed to obtain a S.C. title and registration for your Watercraft.
- Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, if purchased from titling state.
- Bill of Sale, signed and notarized
- There is a Use Tax fee required when purchasing a boat or motor from an out of state dealer. You must include the dealer invoice when submitting paperwork. If no taxes have been paid to dealer you must include the 5% tax along with your registration fee. Anything over $10,000.00, caps at $500.00. If you have paid a portion of the sales tax in another state and the total tax does not compute to 5% you may pay on the remainder of the portion due, up to $500.00, to SCDNR.
- Completed and Signed Application
- Fee of $20 for new registration and title
- Late Fees
Outboard Motor - Purchased from out-of-state marine dealer
The following application, forms, supporting documentation and required fees will be needed to obtain a S.C. title for your Outboard Motor.
- Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, if purchased from titling state. (Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas or Utah)
- Bill of Sale, signed and notarized
- There is a Use Tax fee required when purchasing a boat or motor from an out of state dealer. You must include the dealer invoice when submitting paperwork. If no taxes have been paid to the dealer you must include the 5% tax along with your registration fee. If you have paid a portion of the sales tax in another state and the total tax does not compute to 5% you may pay the remainder of the portion due, up to $500.00, to SCDNR.
- Completed and Signed Application
- Fee of $10 for new title
- Late Fees
What type of boat or outboard motor does not have to be registered/titled?
All watercraft are required to be registered and titled: except Documented Vessels, Wind surfers, Watercraft propelled only by human power, paddles or similar devices. All outboard motors under five (5) horsepower are not required to be titled.
The casual excise tax for a boat or boat and motor purchased as a package is 5% of purchase price with a maximum fee of $500.00. The casual excise tax for an outboard motor purchased alone is 5% with a $500 maximum tax.
- Boat and Motor or Boat Only: Purchase Price X .05, the maximum tax is $500.
- Motor Only: Purchase Price X .05, the maximum tax is $500.
If you did not pay taxes out-of-state, then you submit 5% tax with the registration fee.
Tax Exempt if Purchased from Immediate Family
If you acquire the watercraft or outboard motor from immediate family, you are exempt from the excise tax.
Immediate family includes:
- parent
- child
- sister
- brother
- grandparent
- grandchild
- spouse.
You must complete the exempt form on the back of the Watercraft/Outboard Motor Application to be exempt.
Military persons are not exempt from Casual Excise or Use Tax on boats and Outboard Motors.
Casual Excise tax can also be paid to the S.C. Department of Revenue Tax Service Centers.
SCDNR can collect both casual excise tax and use tax on behalf of the Department of Revenue. Casual excise or use tax is 5% of purchase price and caps at $500 for a boat or a boat and motor purchased as a package. Casual excise or use tax for a motor purchased separately is 5% and caps at $500.
If casual excise or use tax has been paid to SCDNR or another state we must have a receipt showing it was paid.
Do I have to have proof of insurance on a boat for registration?
State registration laws do not require you to show proof of insurance to register the boat in South Carolina.
Are boat trailers titled in South Carolina?
SC does not require titles on boat trailers unless they weigh 2,500 lbs empty. If you do wish to title, it should be done through the Department of Motor Vehicles call 803-896-5000.
§56-3-130. Exemption of certain boat, farm and other utility trailers.
Boat trailers under twenty-five hundred pounds, farm trailers and other utility trailers which are privately owned and not for hire need not be licensed or registered.
How does the County Auditor get my name to generate the personal property tax notice?
The SC Department of Natural Resources provides each county with information on all taxable boats and motors titled in their county for the purpose of the collection of personal property taxes.
Effective January 1, 2020 watercraft registrations will be renewed annually instead of every 3 years. For current boat owners the registration renewal fee and property taxes will be due the month printed on the expiration decals for the boat. Beginning in 2021 registration renewal fees will be included with the property tax notice for your boat.
For boats newly titled and registered in SC the property taxes and registration renewal month will be based on the date of purchase. For example, if you buy a boat in June your registration renewal fee and property taxes will be due in June. If your boat is Documented with the US Coast Guard, you will be required to pay personal property taxes to your county of residence if your boat is determined to be taxable by your county.
How do I obtain a duplicate title for my boat or outboard motor?
You will need to fill out the Watercraft/Outboard Motor Titling & Registration Application and enclose the appropriate fee.
If you have a lien on the title, you must have a signed notarized lien satisfaction form completed by the lien holder.
This can be done in person at one of our regional offices located in West Columbia, Aynor and Charleston or by mail.
If delinquent taxes are due on my boat or outboard motor who do I contact?
You must contact your County Tax Collector or Treasurer.
Can I bring my boat to the state of South Carolina when I'm on vacation?
You can use your boat for 60 consecutive days in the state of South Carolina as long as your boat is currently registered in your state and a valid decal is on the bow of your boat. You must have your registration card on the vessel when operating it in South Carolina.
What if my boat decals are faded?
If your decals have not expired you will need to fill out the Boating Renewal, Duplicate Decals, and Registration Cards Application and enclose the appropriate fee.
You may also request duplicate decals in person at any SCDNR Regional Office, online at or through the Go Outdoors Mobile App.
What if my outboard motor decal is faded?
If your outboard motor decals have faded you will need to fill out the Boating Renewal, Duplicate Decals, and Registration Cards Application and enclose the appropriate fee.
Where can I find a DNR Regional Office
Please note: SC Department of Natural Resources office will open at 9:30 am on Wednesday mornings for staff training.
What’s the difference between “AND” and “OR” when titling to multiple people?
If you are titling/registering your boat or outboard motor to more than one person, you must decide whether it will be listed as “AND” or “OR” on the title. In an “OR” relationship, anyone on the title can complete any type of transaction for that boat/motor with either person’s signature. In an “AND” relationship, all persons listed on title must sign to complete any transaction for that boat/motor.