List of Wildlife Removal Services

RaccoonIn South Carolina, control of wildlife and animal damage is the responsibility of the individual property owner. Often, wildlife problems can be eliminated by habitat modification, behavior modification, or a combination of the two. Simple solutions to common wildlife problems include feeding pets indoors, proper disposal of food scraps, and securing trash can lids. These measures serve to reduce food available to unwelcome wildlife and result in less human-animal conflict. Exclusion of offending wildlife by fencing or wire mesh netting is also an effective technique to reduce wildlife damage. In many cases, however, the solution involves the removal of the offending animal.

The following is a list of individuals and businesses that provide assistance with wildlife control. Wildlife Control Operators (WCOs) are listed by counties in which they have agreed to operate. Also, by each individual's name is the wildlife species that they will provide assistance for.

It is imperative to note that these individuals and companies are in the business of wildlife control, and like most businesses, do charge a fee for their services. The amount charged is negotiable between the customer and the WCO, and will often depend on the distance traveled, number of trips required, time expended, and/or number of animals removed.

Please be reminded that a depredation permit will be required for anyone trapping or shooting wildlife during the closed season. Depredation permits may be obtained at no cost from any regional Wildlife Section or from a local Natural Resources Enforcement Officer. These permits are valid for 30 days (1 year for beaver), and are renewable if additional time is needed to alleviate the problem. Additional permits may be required when dealing with Federally-protected birds. A depredation permit is not required when capturing any furbearer or squirrel causing property damage within one-hundred yards of the property owner's home that is experiencing the damage.

This list, along with the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA) link below, is furnished in order to provide the public a means of obtaining assistance with wildlife problems. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) in no way endorses or guarantees the services of any WCO on this list. It is strongly recommended that the property owner seeking assistance ask for references, and have the WCO explain in detail what services will be included before agreeing to or signing any contract for services. It is advisable to discuss your situation with several WCO agents before agreeing to any contract.

The List of Wildlife Control Operators is provided in the Adobe PDF file format. Adobe® Reader® is required to open the files and is available as a free download from the Adobe® Web site. For a directory of Wildlife Control Operators certified by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA), please see

For technical assistance, permit information, or other information concerning wildlife-related problems, contact any SCDNR Wildlife Section office listed below.

SCDNR Wildlife Section Offices
Region 1 - Clemson
311 Natural Resources Drive
Clemson, SC 29631
Phone: 864-654-1671
Dennis Wildlife Center
305 Black Oak Road
Bonneau, SC 29431
Phone: 843-825-3387

Region 2 - Florence
295 South Evander Street
Florence, SC 29506
Phone: 843-661-4768

Webb Wildlife Center
1282 Webb Road
Garnett, SC 29922
Phone: 803-625-3569
Region 3 - Columbia
1000 Assembly Street
Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 803-734-3886
ACE Basin/Donnelley WMA
585 Donnelley Drive
Green Pond, SC 29446
Phone: 843-844-8957
Region 4 - Charleston
217 Ft. Johnson Road
Charleston, SC 29422
Phone: 843-953-9300

Tips for Hiring a Wildlife Control Operator

When hiring a WCO, It is imperative that you:

Contact the SCDNR Furbearer Project at (803) 734-3609 should you have any questions or comments regarding any WCO operating in this state.

The above information on Wildlife Control Operators is provided in the Adobe PDF file format. Adobe® Reader® is required to open the files and is available as a free download from the Adobe® Web site.

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