South Carolina's Bald Eagles - More Information

More Information
Brown, R.D. 1996. Attraction of bald eagles to habitats just below dams in Piedmont North and South Carolina. Pp. 299-306 In: Raptors in Human Landscapes. Bird, D.M., D.E. Varland, J.J. Negro (eds). Academic Press. San Diego, CA.
Bryan, A.L., T.M. Murphy, K.L. Bildstein, I.L. Brisbin and J.J. Mayer. 1996. Use of reservoirs and other artificial impoundments in South Carolina. Pp. 285-298. In: Raptors in Human Landscapes. Bird, D.M., D.E. Varland, J.J. Negro (eds). Academic Press. San Diego, CA.
Murphy, T.M. 1982. Southeast Region Recovery Plan. Pp. 148-150. In: Proceedings of '82 Bald Eagle Days. Ingram T.N. (ed.). Eagle Valley Environmentalists Inc., Apple River, IL.
Murphy, T.M. 1991. The effects of Hurricane Hugo on nesting bald eagles in South Carolina. South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Report. Work Order 89-1.
Murphy, T.M. and J.W. Coker. 1978. The status of the bald eagle in South Carolina. Proceedings of the Rare and Endangered Wildlife Symposium. In: Georgia Department of Natural Resources Game and Fish Division, Technical Bulletin WL 4. Odom, R.R. and L. Landers (compilers).
Murphy, T.M., J.W. Coker and S.R. Hopkins-Murphy. 1987. The status of the bald eagle in South Carolina, 1977-1986. U.S. Final Report. Project E-1. Study VI-C-1. 59 pp.
Murphy, T.M., F.M. Bagley, W. DuBuc, D. Mager, S.A. Nesbitt, W.B. Robertson and B. Sanders, eds. 1989. Southeastern States Bald Eagle Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, SE Region, Atlanta , GA. 120 pp. (Team leader).
Wilde, S.B., S. de Kozlowski and T. Murphy. 2004. Hydrilla and bald eagle deaths: what is the link? Aquatic Nuisance Species Digest, 5 (2).
Wilde, S.B., T.M. Murphy, C.P. Hope and S.K. Habrun. 2004. Lake Murray monitoring results and research progress on Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) 2003 - 2004. Unpublished Report.