Citizen Science Opportunities
Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer your time helping wildlife? Are you willing to help collect data on species and their habitats? Maybe you want to teach others about fishing or hunting. Chapter 5 of the 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan lists education and outreach efforts as one of the fundamental strategies needing implementation in South Carolina to benefit priority wildlife species and their habitats. In particular, SCDNR and its partners should "promote volunteer participation, both in education and outreach programs as well as in data collection. [High priority]."
There are many opportunities for the public to help gather information that biologists and researchers can use in assessing species and their habitats. Sometimes our biologists need seasonal help with specific projects. That's when our volunteers become vitally important. Listed below are some citizen science weblinks. Some are for SCDNR programs while others take you to our conservation partners' websites.

Volunteer in the Archaeology Lab
Did you know that for every day archaeologists spend in the field they spend about a week in the laboratory washing, sorting and analyzing the artifacts that they uncover? The laboratory component of archaeology is where the story of the past starts to come together as archaeologists analyze artifacts and add to our collective human history. Now you can help the SCDNR Archaeology team as a laboratory volunteer! Visit the Heritage Trust Program website ( for more information about this and other volunteer opportunities. -
Archaeology Newsletter
Did you want to be an archaeologist as a kid? Are you a student and want to find out what archaeology is all about? Looking for a unique opportunity to volunteer in the community? Sign up for the SCDNR Archaeology team’s monthly newsletter ( to stay up-to-date on workshops, events, and volunteer opportunities with the SCDNR Archaeology team.
- Great World Wide Star Count: Help scientists study the impacts of light pollution by measuring the visibility of constellations in the night sky.
General observations of wildlife
- Share online through the National Wildlife Federation
- iNaturalist; for example, see the iNaturalist site for SCDNR-selected properties.
Nature's Notebook is a national, online program where amateur and professional naturalists regularly record observations of plants and animals to generate long-term data sets used for scientific discovery and decision-making.
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service has a volunteer program where citizens can lead tours, take photography of natural
and cultural resources, assist with habitat restoration, and conduct population surveys for fish and wildlife species.
To apply, fill out a volunteer application form and mail to the Region 4 Volunteer Coordinator:
Volunteer Coordinator
1875 Century Blvd., NW
Atlanta, GA 30345
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
- Hunter / Angler Surveys – The SCDNR always wants to hear from its hunters and anglers. Surveys are often advertised to gather information on various harvested species. Check the main page of the website for links.
- The SCDNR and State Parks utilize volunteers to lead tours, conduct research, and help manage public lands. Please contact a representative of the agency for more information.
- The ACE Basin NERR hosts a volunteer program at Botany Bay Wildlife Management Area. Vounteers help direct visitors, give out educational information, monitor wildlife populations, protect historical structures on the property, and assist with management of the property. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Brianna Evans for more information.
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) is an organization focused on precipitation measurements taken by volunteer members.