SC Marine Game Fish Tagging Program

How it works/get involved

There is currently a waiting list for the Marine Game Fish Tagging Program (MGFTP). An angler can be apply to the program and be added to the waiting list by contacting Joey Coz, program coordinator, at (843) 953-9588 or Openings are determined by available funds to provide tags to new members and rewards for anglers that recapture tagged fish. As spots open up, anglers will be contacted by the MGFTP via email and/or phone and will have 30 days to respond. Anglers need a valid SC Saltwater Fishing License to participate in the MGFTP.

Once an angler has confirmed their position in the MGFTP, they will need to purchase a Amram Comfort Grip Standard Tagging Gun before receiving their first batch of tags and data sheets. Additional tags will be supplied when at least one completed data sheet has been received. Because the T-bar anchor tags are most suitable for smaller fish, larger fish should be tagged using the nylon dart tags with the appropriate applicator. The nylon dart tag kit comes with an applicator (if needed) and tags. However, before you can receive the nylon dart tags, you must demonstrate active participation in the program through tagging and reporting a minimum of 25 T-bar tags. For a complete list of tag type and fish size criteria, please refer to the target species list.

Data sheets can be mailed in using the supplied postage paid envelopes. However, emailing scanned or photographed copies is strongly encouraged in order to reduce postage costs. Data sheets do not need to be fully completed before returning. When completing a data sheet takes additional time, scanning and emailing the partially completed data sheet ensures that program staff have the necessary tag data in a timely fashion.

Once an angler has all the necessary equipment to begin tagging fish, they should read over all information provided on the SC Marine Game Fish Tagging website paying particular attention to the "Frequently Asked Questions" and the “Instructional Materials.” This will help anglers become familiar with the proper techniques for tagging, measuring, and releasing fish. Anglers will be notified via email if/when any of their tagged fish are recaptured.

For more information on the Marine Game Fish Tagging Program, or If you would like to receive the monthly tagging program newsletter, contact Joey Coz:

SCDNR Marine Game Fish Tagging Program
SC Marine Resources Division
P.O. Box 12559
Charleston, SC 29422-2559

Phone: (843) 953-9588
