Establishment of a Regional Taxonomic
Center in South Carolina
Due to present and future anthropogenic growth, declines in
regional biodiversity, and the recent shortage of trained taxonomic
scientists, the South
Carolina Department of Natural Resources, with funding from
the National Marine Fisheries Service, established the Southeastern
Regional Taxonomic Center (SERTC) in 2001. The SERTC is housed
within SCDNR’s Marine
Resources Research Institute (MRRI) and the College of Charleston’s
Marine Lab at Ft. Johnson, near Charleston. The SERTC provides
a regional focus on developing taxonomic expertise and skills,
as well as the infrastructure needed to support the natural
resource management and scientific communities within the South
Atlantic Bight. The Center is staffed by SCDNR employees
with a background in taxonomy and serves as a clearinghouse,
training facility, specimen repository, and a venue for a taxonomic
library. The present and future goals of SERTC are:
- Maintain and expand a curated collection
of the coastal and marine fauna of the South Atlantic
- Maintain a current collection of taxonomic
literature and a searchable reference database pertaining
to those organisms
- Validate provisional identifications
of specimens in existing reference collections at MRRI
and GML
- Catalogue fauna housed at GML and new
specimens from ongoing sampling
- Develop a tissue repository with potential
use in the genetic differentiation of species
- Prepare illustrated keys to selected
taxa, including new species from the SAB
- maintain an Internet website to present
species profiles, morphological illustrations, and interactive
identification keys to select taxa
- Assist scientists with taxonomic research
through specimen loans and consultation
Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center maintains specimen
collections from the South Atlantic Bight region, which
extends from just south of Cape Hatteras, NC to just north
of Cape Canaveral, FL. This area includes Gray’s
Reef National Marine Sanctuary and the Charleston Bump.
to view a larger image) |
Funding for the Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center is provided
by a grant (NOAA/NMFS #NA11NMF4350043) from National Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Administration/National Marine Fisheries Service
to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources as part of the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP), with Marcel Reichert as Principal Investigator. |