Diadromous Fish Research
Photo by B. Post, SCDNR
Sturgeon Diet Study
SCDNR, with funding assistance from the National Marine Fisheries Service, is conducting a diet study on sturgeon caught in our coastal rivers.
Sampling is conducted in various rivers and lake systems using gill and trammel nets. Once sturgeons are captured, they are sedated and their stomach pumped. This procedure (gastric lavage) is carried out by essentially flooding the stomach cavity with water to allow prey items to dislodge and be caught by a sieve. This research is performed year round and on all sizes of sturgeon (juveniles to adults).
Photo by A. Hazel, SCDNR
Diet results so far indicate sturgeons in S.C. feed on invertebrate worms (mainly polychaetes), amphipods, and mayfly larvae.
preformed on a sturgeon.
Photo by K. Aman, SCDNR