Sunrise Lake

Sunrise Lake in Lancaster County is a 25-acre fertilized lake providing largemouth bass, shellcracker, bluegill, and channel catfish fishing. The lake offers a small picnic area and boat ramp.
General Information

Property Location: Heath Springs, SC 29058
Latitude: 34.619
Longitude: -80.672
Acreage: 25
County: Lancaster
Property Type: Public Fishing Lake
Hours of Operation:
Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays only, 1/2 hour before official sunrise to 1/2 hour after official sunset.

From Heath Springs, travel north on US 521 N/Main Street for 1.6 miles. Turn right onto Boyd Faile Road (State Road S-29-159). Travel 0.5 miles and turn left onto Sunrise Lake drive. Gravel road deadends into the parking lot.