Star Fort Pond

This property is not owned by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, but is part of the leased lands management program.
Star Fort Pond in Greenwood County is a 22-acre fertilized lake that provides largemouth bass, bluegill, shellcracker, and channel catfish fishing. The lake has a fishing pier.
General Information

Property Location: Ninety Six, SC 29666
Latitude: 34.147
Longitude: -82.01
Acreage: 22
County: Greenwood
Property Type: Public Fishing Lake
Hours of Operation:
Open Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays only from April 1 - November 1, from 1/2 hour before official sunrise to 1/2 hour after official sunset.

Take Highway 246 south from the Town of Ninety Six. Go about 2 miles and turn to the right onto State Road 27 or Kinard Road. Go about 1/4 of a mile and the lake will be on the right.