Bonneau Ferry WMA Lake
Bonneau Ferry has four lakes, totaling 100 acres, open to adult/youth fishing on Thursday through Sunday from March 2 to October 31, but closed during deer and turkey hunts. This area is an adult/youth only fishing area, which means no adults may fish unless they bring a youth angler who actively participates in the fishing. Each youth (17 years and younger) must be accompanied by no more than two adults 18 years of age or older and must be actively fishing. Quarterman's, Alligator, Hogpen, and New Lakes all provide fishing for largemouth bass, bluegill, and shell-cracker. In addition, crappie, warmouth, mudfish, and gar can be caught in Quarterman's.
General Information

Property Location: Highway 402 Cordesville, SC 29434
Latitude: 33.104
Longitude: -79.85
Acreage: 100
County: Berkeley
Property Type: Public Fishing Lake
Hours of Operation:
Thursday - Sunday March 2 - October 31; closed Saturdays in April until 11:00 a.m., closed on deer hunting days. Area will be CLOSED to visitors during ALL firearms/archery draw hunts.
The entire property is CLOSED to the public during scheduled lottery hunts.

Take Highway 52 north from Moncks Corner, cross the Tail Race Canal and turn right on highway 402, go about 9 miles through the community of Cordesville and turn right at the Bonneau Ferry main entrance. Stop and view the entrance kiosk for directions to the facility's lakes.