Elizabeth Wenner : David M. Knott
Susan Thornton-DeVictor
David M. Knott
Marine Biologist IV, Retired

B.S. in Biology (1972) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
M.S. in Marine Biology (1980) College of Charleston, Charleston,
Research interests:
Ecology and taxonomy of planktonic and benthic invertebrates,
with extensive experience in identification of the fauna of estuarine,
coastal, and outer shelf habitats in the South Atlantic Bight.
Dynamics of larval decapod crustacean transport. Ballast water
discharge and invasive species in South Carolina.
Fuller, P.L., Knott, D.M., Kingsley-Smith, P.R., Morris, J.A., Buckel, C.A., Hunter, M.E. and Hartman, L.D. (2014). . Invasion of Asian tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798, in the western north Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Aquatic Invasions. 9(1): 59-70. (view article)
de Buron, I., Roth, P.B., Bergquist, D.C. and Knott, D.M. (2013). Mulinea lateralis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) die-off in South Carolina:
discovery of a vector for two elasmobranch cestode species. Journal of Parasitology. 99(1): 51-55.
Knott, D.M., Fuller, P.L., Benson, A.J. and Neilson, M.E.(2013). Penaeus monodon
USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL Revision Date: 6/5/2012 (view website)
DeVictor, S.T.,Knott, D.M. and Crowe, S.E. (2010). South Carolina Beachcomber�s Guide: a guide to the common invertebrates, plants and natural artifacts of the South Carolina seashore. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. 91 pp.
Harrison, J.R. and Knott, D.M. (2007). Occurrence of Microtralia
ovula and Creedonia succinea (Gastropoda: Pulmonata:
Ellobiidae) in South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 6(1):173-178. (view pdf)
Heard, R.W., King, R.A., Knott, D.M., Thoma, B.P., and Thornton-DeVictor,
S. (2007). A guide to the Thalassinidea (Crustacea: Malacostraca:
Decapoda) of the South Atlantic Bight. NOAA Professional Paper
NMFS 8. (view pdf)
Negreiros-Fransozo, M.L., Wenner, E.L., Knott, D.M., and Fransozo,
A. 2007. The megalopa and early juvenile stages of Calappa
tortugae Rathbun, 1933 (Crustacea; Brachyura) reared
in the laboratory. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 120(4):469-485). (view pdf)
Heard, R.W., Price, W.W., Knott, D.M., King, R.A. and Allen, D.M.
2006. A taxonomic guide to the mysids of the South Atlantic Bight.
NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 4. 37pp. (view pdf)
Knott, D.M. 2005. Atlantic Ghost Crab: Ocypode quadrata.
South Carolina State Wildlife Grants Program, Comprehensive Wildlife
Conservation Plan, Species Descriptions. http://www.dnr.state.sc.us/wcp/pdf/Ghostcrab.pdf
Accessed 2005 Jun 08.(view pdf)
Wenner, E.L., Knott, D.M., Barans, C.A., Wilde, S., Blanton, J.O.
and Amft, J. 2005. Key factors influencing transport of white
shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) post-larvae into the Ossabaw
Sound system, Georgia, U.S. Fisheries Oceanography 14(3): 175-194. (view pdf)
Foster, J.M., Heard, R.W. and Knott, D.M. 2004. Northern range
extensions for Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea:
Amphipoda: Caprellidae) on the Florida gulf coast and in South
Carolina. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16: 65-69. (view pdf)
Knott, D.M., Wenner, E.L., and DeVictor, S. 2003. Observations
on the unusual abundance of tropical Callinectes species
in the South Atlantic Bight in fall 2002, and remarks on the non-indigenous
Charybdis hellerii. Journal of Shellfish Research 22(1):
Wenner, E.L., Barans, C.A., Knott, D.M., Perez, G.R., Nadik, W.M.,
and CebadaMora, C. 2002. Evaluation of an alternative harvesting
methodology for horseshoe crabs and determination of juvenile
life history parameters in a nursery habitat. Final Report to
the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA. S-K Grant No. NA07FD0174.
79 pp.
Knott, D.M. 2000. Zooplankton. In “Characterization of the
Ashepoo-Combahee-Edisto (ACE) Basin, South Carolina”, a
CD-ROM produced by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services
Center, Charleston, SC. SC Marine Resources Center Special Scientific
Report Number 17, and NOAA/CSC/20010-CD.
Knott, D.M. 2008. Invasive and Non-indigenous Aquatic Species in Coastal South Carolina. Oral presentation given at the 2008 Coastal Legacy Workshop: Downhill Connections: Tying Creeks to Estuaries, sponsored by the Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence SouthEast (COSEE-SE), June 27, 2008 in Charleston, SC.
Knott, D.M. 2008. The Invasive and Nonindigenous Molluscan Fauna of Coastal South Carolina. Oral presentation at a joint workshop of the SC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association, October 2, 2008 at the Clemson Sandhill Research and Education Center, Columbia, SC.
Knott, D.M. 2008. The Invasive and Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in Coastal South Carolina. Oral presentation at a class of the South Carolina Master Naturalist Program, Clemson Public Service, October 14, 2008 at the South Carolina Aquarium, Charleston, SC.
Knott, D.M. 2007. Invasive species. Video broadcast to a virtual classroom for the NOAA in the Carolinas EstuaryLive Program, September 27, 2007 in Charleston, SC.
Knott, D.M. 2007. Invasive and non-native aquatic species in coastal
South Carolina. Oral presentation given to the Marine Advisory
Committee of the SCDNR's Marine Resources Division, March 2, 2007
in Charleston, SC.
Knott, D.M. 2006. The role of the Southeastern
Regional Taxonomic Center in detection of non-indigenous and invasive
species in the SAB. Oral presentation given to the Gulf and South
Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (GSARP), October
5, 2006 in Charleston, SC.
King, R.A., Knott, D.M., DeVictor, S., and Wenner, E.L. 2004.
Establishment of the Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center (SERTC)
in Charleston, SC. Poster presented by the first two authors at
the American Museum of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity
and Conservation Spring Symposium — Expanding the Ark: The
emerging science and practice of invertebrate conservation, March
25-26, 2004 in New York, NY.
Knott, D.M., Wenner, E.L., and DeVictor, S. 2003. Observations
on the unusual abundance of tropical Callinectes species
in the South Atlantic Bight in fall 2002, and remarks on the non-indigenous
Charybdis hellerii. Journal of Shellfish Research 22(1):
Knott, D., Boyko, C., and Harvey, A. 2000. Introduction of the
green porcelain crab, Petrolisthes armatus (Gibbes, 1850)
into the South Atlantic Bight. In "Marine Bioinvasions: Proceedings
of the First National Conference, January 24-27, 1999", (J.
Pederson, ed.), p. 404. MIT Sea Grant College Program. Cambridge,