Wildlife - Species

Species Specific Regulations
Doves - White-winged
Licenses: Hunting License required. Migratory Bird Hunting and Seasons set annually. Daily aggregate bag limit for mourning doves and white-winged doves is 15.
Limits: Please see Migratory Bird Regulations for any game zones restrictions or Limitations.
White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)
- Sexes similar
- Adult similar to juvenile
- Large, chunky dove
- Fairly long, black bill
- Pale blue, teardrop-shaped orbital ring to eye
- Pale gray-brown head, neck, back, belly and upperwings, with darker brown primaries
- Long dark mark on lower face below eye
- Purplish iridescence on neck
- Bold white wing patch, visible at rest, formed by pale secondary coverts
- Long tail is slightly rounded at tip
- Dark brown tail with white corners bordered above by black line
Average Size
Length: 10.5 inches; approximate weight is between 4 to 6 ounces.
Preferred Habitat
Their range is Southwest United States, Texas, Gulf Coast States to Florida – uncommon visitor to South Carolina. Feeds on grass seed and waste grain.
Publications and Literature
Doves of South Carolina - Identification and Status. (Adobe PDF) Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division. Columbia, South Carolina
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Michael W. Hook - Small Game Program Leader
P.O. Box 167
Columbia, SC 29202-0167
Phone: 803-734-3940
Fax: 803-734-3691
E-mail: HookM@dnr.sc.gov