Salamanders in South Carolina
South Carolina is home to a diverse group of salamanders that often go unnoticed. Many salamanders spend their lives living beneath the ground’s surface under leaves, logs, and rocks, while others are at home in aquatic environments. Salamanders in South Carolina range in size from just a few inches (dwarf salamanders) to nearly four feet (amphiuma). Some salamanders resemble lizards in form but have moist skin instead of scales.
University of Georgia, SREL
Additional resources for salamanders
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
- Blue Ridge Reptiles and Amphibians Guild - Adobe PDF
- Longleaf Pine Reptile Guild - Adobe PDF
- Miscellaneous Amphibians and Reptiles - Adobe PDF
- Pond-breeding Amphibian Guild - Adobe PDF
- Seepage Slope Amphibians - Adobe PDF
- Webster's Salamander - Adobe PDF
Andrew Grosse - SCDNR Herpetologist
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
220 Santee Gun Club Rd.
McClellanville, SC 29458
Ph: (843) 527-8448
Fax: (843) 527-0255