to dispose of litter responsibly!

How to Report Littering Violations
If you witness any littering violations or have information about such a violation, immediately call the toll-free SCDNR TIPS number at 1-800-922-5431. (available 24/7)
Please be prepared to give the fullest possible account of the incident, including the name, address, age, and description of the suspect, vehicle description, direction of travel, license plate number, type of violation, and when and where it occurred. You do not have to give your name.
Text/private message...
- The public can text anonymous tips to SCDNR law enforcement officers via tip411, creating an anonymous two-way conservation. Anyone with a cell phone may send an anonymous littering tip by texting this message --> SCDNR (insert your tip) --> and sending it to 847411.
- Send us a private message using the SCDNR Facebook page.
Online Form...
- You anonymously submit tips with an online form on the SCDNR website through our Operation Game Thief webpage
Download the Mobile App...
The free SCDNR Tips smartphone App free via the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store.