Order Your Wild Turkey Tags Online
Turkey tags will be in the mail by the third week of February.
Turkey Tags are no longer free. In addition to the required hunting license and big game permit, all turkey hunters, including youth, are required to have turkey tags in possession while hunting except on the designated youth days.
The fee for a SC resident is $25 per set of two (2) tags and for a nonresident $125 per set of two (2) tags. Youth under sixteen and Lifetime/Senior/Gratis/Disability licensees may receive a free set of tags by request annually.
These fees were established by legislation passed by the SC General Assembly. The fees will provide a source of funding for the tagging program, wild turkey research, data collection, habitat management and enforcement. Previously there was no dedicated source of funding for SCDNR’s wild turkey program.
Tags may be purchased on-line, by phone or at license vendors and will be mailed beginning in late-February. Tags will also be available over the counter at SCDNR regional offices starting in mid-March.