Thesis and Dissertations
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Alderson, J.E. 2009. Characterization of injuries and health of injured loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) In Coastal Waters of the Southeastern U.S. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Asp, Emily S. 2017. The Effect of Artificial Light Pollution on Orientation of Hatchling Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Grand Strand Region, South Carolina. Masters Thesis, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC.
Biershenk, D. 2007. Breeding on the edge: Estimating sex ratios of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta at the northern extent of their range. Masters Thesis, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, UK, pp. 35.
Bimbi, M. 2009.Melissa Bimbi (2009): The effects of nest relocation and key environmental factors on loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests on Cape Island. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp. 70.
Brig, C. E. 2014. Assessment of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nest Management Tools in South Carolina. Masters Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, SC., pp. 155.
Byrd, J.I. 2004. The effect of beach nourishment on loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting in South Carolina. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp. 102.
Carey, J. 2008. Identification and characterization of a novel organism found in the bladder and urine of loggerhead sea turtles. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Coll, G.E. 2010. Sea turtle nest management: Examining the use of relocation as a management tool on three South Carolina beaches. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC pp. 64.
Cooper, M. 2009. Development of a volunteer recruitment and retention program for loggerhead sea turtle nest management activites at Edisto Beach State Park. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Day, R.D. 2003. Mercury in loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta: developing monitoring strategies, investigating factors affecting contamination, and assessing health impacts. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp. 135.
Gossett, J. 2008. The effects of the 2005 Folly Beach South Carolina beach renourishment project on loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting and hatchling success. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Griffin, D.B. 2002. GIS analysis of inter-nesting habitat, migratory corridors, and resident foraging areas of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) along the southeast coast. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp. 64.
Herrera, A.E. 2006. The effects of nest management methods on sex ration and hatching success of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the southern Caribbean. Masters Thesis, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, UK, pp. 27.
Iocco, L. E. 1998. Effects of beach nourishment on nest site selection and hatchling fitness in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Keller, J.M. 2003. Occurrence and effects of organochlorine contaminants in sea turtles. Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, Durham, NC, pp. 344.
Martin, M.C. 2005. Management of nesting Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) on Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Mazzarella, K.T. 2007. Analysis of stranded loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in North and South Carolina: Genetic Composition and the Effectiveness of Newly Implemented TED Regulations. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp. 95.
Nicar, E. and L. Weber. 2002. Hatchling fitness of loggerhead sea turtles with different incubation durations. Undergraduate paper. Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC, pp. 16.
O'Connell, S.G. 2009. Spatial and temporal trends of perfluorinated compounds in juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) along the east coast of the United States. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Pinera-Pasquino, L. 2006. Patterns of antibiotic resistance in bacteria isolated from marine turtles. Masters Internship report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp. 38.
Rockholt, R. 2007. Observations on the effects of relocation on sea turtle hatching success and a sea turtle curriculum guide: a two-part internship. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Scianna, M. 2002. The effects of beach nourishment projects on nesting preferences in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) on South Carolina's beaches. Masters Internship Report, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Sears, C.J. 1993. The genetic structure of a local loggerhead sea turtle population based on mitochondrial DNA analysis. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, pp.51.
Shamblin,B.M. Population structure of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) nesting in the southeastern United State inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci. Masters Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, pp.59.
Sloan, K.T. 2011. Barnacle Growth as an Indicator of the Onset and Duration of the Clinical Symptoms of Debilitated Turtle Syndrome Affecting Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Sea Turtles. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
Swarthout, R. 2006. Method development for organohalogen contaminant analysis in sea turtle whole blood, serum and plasma. Masters Thesis, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.