March 1, 2021

The S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) has been notified that the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) in Charleston has extended the "emergency temporary safety zone" order first issued on February 22 that includes "all waters of the Waccamaw River from Enterprise Landing at Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AICW) statute mile 375 north to Fantasy Harbour Fixed Bridge at AICW statute mile 366."
State and federal authorities have determined that wakes from vessels transiting the area can create increased hazards associated with high waters present in the area. Entry of vessels or persons into this zone is prohibited unless vessels proceed at speeds that do not create a wake.
The SCDNR's Law Enforcement Division has placed "No Wake" buoys in the area covered by the safety zone and will be running daily patrols to enforce the temporary no wake order. Per the Updated order from the USCG, this rule is effective through March 7, 2021 or until waters recede and conditions allow for safe navigation, whichever occurs first. The safety zone is necessary to protect persons and property during a period of high water in the area caused by heavy rainfall and runoff. Vessels operating within the zone must proceed at speeds that do not create a wake.
USCG Marine Safety Information bulletins (MSIBs) for this region can be viewed at
Media Contact: David Lucas, Public Information Coordinator