June 2, 2020

The Edisto basin is one of the eight major river basins in South Carolina. River basin plans developed by stakeholder councils in each basin will eventually form the basis of a new State Water Plan.
The newly formed Edisto River Basin Council (ERBC) has scheduled its first meeting for June 17 at 3 p.m.
Public informational meetings conducted by S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Hydrology program staff and Clemson University were held in the Edisto River basin in the fall of 2019 to provide stakeholders in the region with an overview of a new water planning framework that will guide surface and groundwater management in the Palmetto State over the next 50 years. The meetings also served to engage volunteers interested in serving on a council to develop and implement a plan for the Edisto Basin. The ERBC membership has been selected and the group will begin meeting on a regular basis to begin formulating a water plan for the Edisto River basin.
While this initial meeting and subsequent ERBC meetings will be open to the public, due to the current restrictions on large public gatherings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic precautions, council meetings will initially take place via an online, virtual format.
Individuals interested in attending the online meeting can contact SCDNR Hydrology Program Manager Scott Harder via email [harders@dnr.sc.gov] to request meeting access information.
The virtual format will be tested on a trial basis, and after several meetings, the effectiveness of online meetings will be evaluated and the nature of future meetings will be adjusted accordingly.
Please visit the SCDNR Hydrology website for periodic updates and new information regarding Edisto River basin planning activities.
Media Contact:David Lucas, Regional Public Information Coordinator (843) 610-0096