August 24, 2020

With the 2020 deer season underway in Game Zones 3 & 4 and soon to begin in Game Zones 1 & 2, most hunters should have already ordered or received the tags necessary to legally hunt deer this year. Pre-ordered tags began being mailed in late July/early August. If you still need to order tags, or have not yet received a set of base tags that you were anticipating, help is available.
For assistance with a set of tags that has not arrived as expected, or to request a free set of base tags, call the SCDNR's Columbia Licensing Office at (803) 734-3833. You can also visit SCDNR Licensing offices in Columbia, Charleston, Clemson, York or Florence (you must wear a mask when visiting SCDNR offices statewide). Addresses can be found at:
South Carolina deer hunters who have an annual or three-year hunting license and big game permit, combination license, or sportsman license that was valid on Aug. 15 should have automatically received a base set of deer tags in the mail. Lifetime, Senior, Gratis, and Catawba license holders that requested deer tags last year should have automatically received a free base set of tags also. Youth and Disability license holders must still request their free base set of tags.
To PURCHASE extra antlered or antlerless tags in addition to your base tags, as well as other licenses or permits, go online to:
If you have a scheduled hunt coming up soon and have not gotten tags for some reason, you can also print a set of temporary tags using any Internet-connected computer. Visit this web page for instructions:
Other general information about deer tags and other regulations related to the 2020 season can be found on the SCDNR website at:
Have a safe hunt and please remember that ALL deer in South Carolina must be tagged immediately after harvest before moving from the point of kill.