November 26, 2019

SCDNR Heritage Trust staff (from left) Brian Long and Abel Tobias use a pressure washer to remove graffiti from historic Poinsett Bridge at the heritage preserve in northern Greenville County. (SCDNR photo by Greg Lucas)
Staff with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ (SCDNR) Heritage Trust Program recently removed graffiti that was illegally painted on Poinsett Bridge in northern Greenville County.
Brian Long, Heritage Trust cultural preserve manager, and Abel Tobias, cultural preserve technician, spent the better part of two days removing the graffiti from Poinsett Bridge, which was built in 1820 and is the oldest bridge in South Carolina and perhaps in the entire Southeast.
SCDNR law enforcement is investigating the spray painting of graffiti on Poinsett Bridge, which was likely done Nov. 22-23.
If anyone knows anything about this crime, they are asked to call Operation Game Thief at 1-800-922-5431 or text SCDNR + your tip to 847-411. You do not need to leave your name. Callers do not have to reveal their identity and they may be eligible for a reward.
Heritage Trust was created in 1976 to protect natural and cultural resources in South Carolina.