November 21, 2019

SCDNR Board Chairman Norman Pulliam (left) with SCDNR Interim Director Robert Boyles
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Board announced today the unanimous selection of Robert H. Boyles, Jr. for appointment as Director of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR).
Boyles’ appointment as Director is subject to confirmation of the South Carolina Senate. Alvin Taylor, former director of the SCDNR, retired in May.
SCDNR Board members touted Boyles’ extensive experience with challenging conservation issues and his positive relationships with fellow SCDNR staff and constituents.
“The DNR has performed well under the leadership of Director Alvin Taylor, and we thank him for his tireless efforts on behalf of conservation in South Carolina,” said SCDNR Board Chairman Norman Pulliam of Spartanburg. “As we look to the future, it is important to have seasoned veterans leading our agency. Robert spent his formative years in Cheraw, he has worked for DNR for over 22 years, and he has been a member of the senior DNR leadership team for over 16 years, serving as Deputy Director for Marine Resources since 2003. He has served as Interim Director of the DNR since May. He has proven himself more than capable in leading our agency, and I speak on behalf of our entire Board when I say we are looking forward to working with Robert as he leads the DNR into the future.”
Boyles has worked in South Carolina government since the early 1990s in areas ranging from marine research administration, conservation policy and management, marine operations, and interstate fisheries management.
Boyles serves on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, including stints as vice-Chairman and Chairman of the Commission. Additionally, he has served on the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and on the Outer Continental Shelf Policy Committee of the US Department of the Interior. Boyles received his bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Economics from Wake Forest University, and a Master of Marine Policy from the University of Delaware, and he has completed fellowships in marine conservation and policy at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort, North Carolina, and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration in Washington, D.C.
“Robert does a fantastic job. He has the support of his DNR staff, and I have seen firsthand now for many years how dedicated and concerned he is about the agency and people of South Carolina,” said Chairman Pulliam.
“I am humbled by the support of the SCDNR Board, and I look forward to working with our staff, our many constituents, and leaders in government to tackle the challenges that lie ahead in managing the tremendous natural resources of South Carolina” said Boyles.
Boyles is married and has two sons attending Clemson University.
Media Contact: Regional Public Information Coordinator Greg Lucas at (864) 380-5201