March 11, 2019

CoCoRaHS is once again conducting its annual March contest to see which state can recruit the most volunteers to measure precipitation.
As the saying goes "the rain doesn't fall the same on all." That’s why the SCDNR’s State Climatology Office always has a need for a greater number of volunteer citizen-scientist weather observers.
Due to the variability of precipitation, amounts measured can be quite different only a block or two away. Help fill in the gaps by recruiting a friend or relative during our March Madness!
CoCoRaHS, the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, is once again conducting its annual March contest to see which state can recruit the most volunteers to measure precipitation. Help us KEEP the trophy in South Carolina!
Sign up and join hundreds around the country in gathering weather data used by various local, state and federal agencies! These observations were extremely helpful to the SCDNR Climatology Office and U.S. National Weather Service during Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Matthew and the historic flood of October 2015.
The more observations, the clearer the picture, the better the understanding of where it did and did not rain.