August 30, 2019

Greenville businessman A. Foster McKissick, III (far left) is the new Chairman of the SCDNR's Law Enforcement Advisory Committee. Mr. McKissick received congratulations on his appointment from current SCDNR Board Chairman Norman Pulliam (center) and SCDNR Deputy Director for Law Enforcement Col. Chisolm Frampton at the LEAC meeting in Clemson on August 28, 2019.
Greenville businessman A. Foster McKissick III has been appointed as Chairman of the S.C. Department of Resources (SCDNR) Law Enforcement Advisory Committee (LEAC).
The committee held their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, August 28, at Clemson University’s Madren Center, where, in a brief ceremony, current SCDNR Board Chairman and immediate-past LEAC Chairman Norman Pulliam of Spartanburg “passed the gavel” to McKissick, signifying the change in leadership of the group that advises and helps set direction for the agency’s Law Enforcement Division.
“Foster has been associated with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for many years, including his service on this committee and on the board of the Governor’s Cup,” said Pulliam. “He is a great fit for this job, and I know that he will provide steady leadership during his tenure as chairman.”
Mr. McKissick, the CEO of Fairway Automotive Group in Greenville, S.C., is a graduate of The Citadel with a bachelor’s degree in business. In addition to his service on the SCDNR Law Enforcement Advisory Committee, he has also served on numerous other local and national community-oriented boards and organizations, including the Boy Scouts of America, and is a past chairman of the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Advisory Board. He was first appointed to the LEAC in 2012, and his term as chairman began officially on June 27, 2019.
Mr. Pulliam has served on the SCDNR Board since 2006 and was appointed chairman of that body by Gov. Henry McMaster in 2017. In his role as an SCDNR Board member.
The SCDNR is governed by a seven-member board with one member representing each of the state’s seven Congressional Districts. Board members are appointed by the Governor. Advisory boards and committees, composed of citizens from throughout the state, provide recommendations for the operation of agency divisions and programs. Advisory committee members are appointed by either the governor or the SCDNR Board.
For more information about SCDNR boards and committees, including meeting times and agendas, visit the agency website at: /admin/board.html.