Fish Pond Management Information
Links below are in the PDF format.

Managing Ponds for Recreational Fishing
Create hours of fun by properly managing your pond!
Pond Management Guide (file size - 2MB)
Need to Buy Fish?
In-State & Out-of-State Commercial Aquaculturists
Sale of fish for stocking ponds.
Need Assistance Managing your Pond?
Provide pond maintenance or information on the management of Ponds (Weed Control, water quality, spraying, fertilizing, liming, etc.)
Additional Pond Management Tools
Pond Construction and Management
Construction of the pond, manipulation of water quality, and fish population management.
Maintaining a healthy pond by helping the food chain.
Tips to Restore your Fish Population
Farm fish pond management to restore fish population balance in farm ponds.
Find a Pay to Fish Pond near you
Ponds where an individual pays a fee to fish.
Impoundment Siting, Construction and Management
SCDNR Guidelines for Private Recreational Ponds
Interagency Guidelines for Greentree Reservoirs
SCDNR Guidelines for Private Shallow Water Impoundments for Waterfowl