Sample of Deer Tags
Date Specific Antlerless Deer Tags
Residents: will automatically receive 8 of these date specific antlerless tags at no cost with a Hunting License & Big Game Permit that is valid during deer season. Youth hunters including nonresident youths and Lifetime/Senior/Disability License holders must request the tags annually. Each antlerless tag is only valid on one specific day and cannot be used on any other day. These tags replace the 'doe days' of the past. The dates specified on the tags for this season are: Oct. 7, 14, 21, Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec. 9, and Jan. 1. Only 3 of these tags are valid in Game Zone 1 (Nov. 11, 18 & 25). Note: Resident archery hunters may use any of the date specific tags to take antlerless deer on any day during archery only or primitive weapons seasons beginning September 15. The archery notation and actual date must be validated on the tag. Once used these tags would no longer be available for use later in the season on the designated date.
Optional Individual Antlerless DeerTags
Residents and Nonresidents: may purchase up to 4 of these tags as in the past. They are valid on any day beginning September 15 in Game Zones 2, 3, 4 and October 1 in Game Zone 1 until the end of the deer hunting season. Only one of the tags is valid in Game Zone 1. Only two of the tags are valid on WMA lands. All four tags are valid on private land in Game Zones 2, 3 & 4. The cost is $5 per tag for residents and $10 per tag for nonresidents. Not valid for use on WMA Deer Dog Drive Hunts (Francis Marion NF WMAs)
Unrestricted Antlered Deer Tags
Residents: will automatically receive 3 of these tags at no cost with a Hunting License & Big Game Permit that is valid during deer season. Youth hunters including nonresident youth and Lifetime/Senior/Disability License holders must request the tags annually. Nonresidents: may purchase up to 2 of these tags at a cost of $50 for the 1st tag & $20 for the 2nd tag. These tags are valid statewide on any legal antlered deer.
Restricted Antlered Deer Tags
Residents and Nonresidents: may purchase up to 2 of these tags. The fee for residents is $5 per tag & $20 per tag for nonresidents. Tags are valid statewide on antlered bucks with at least 4 points on one antler or a minimum 12 inch inside antler spread.