Tagging Guidelines and Instructions for Deer
ALL DEER MUST BE TAGGED immediately after harvest before moving from the point of kill.
Do not remove tag until ready to use.
- Use of another person's tag(s) is prohibited.
- Cut or mark out with a pen the month, day, and WMA notches on the tag prior to tagging.
- Remove tag from backing and wrap through the hamstring as shown, pressing adhesive sides evenly & tightly together leaving the entire face of the tag exposed and all of the adhesive ends attached firmly together.
- Tag must remain attached until the deer/carcass is quartered or received by a processor.
- Tags DO NOT alter daily or seasonal bag limits or use of weapons during special seasons.
- Tags are not valid for quota deer on properties enrolled in the Deer Quota Program (DQP).
- Tags are valid for the entire season, however, hunters must maintain an active License & Big Game Permit to legally deer hunt.
- Tags must be in possession while hunting.
- An antlered deer is defined as a deer with antlers 2 inches or more above the hairline.
- The individual antlerless deer tags are NOT VALID for use on Francis Marion National Forest WMAs during Deer Dog Drive Hunts, except one (1) Antlerless Deer Tag may be used on areas open for Deer Dog Drive Hunts on Dec. 14th.
- All antlerless deer must be tagged with an Individual Antlerless Deer Tag, these tags MAY NOT BE USED PRIOR TO September 15 in Game Zones 2, 3 & 4 or October 1 in Game Zone 1.
- Check the DNR Hunting Regulations Guide for other information and restrictions.
- For full text of laws & regulations related to deer tagging refer to SC Code of Laws 50-11-315, 50-11-320, 50-11-335, 50-11-390, 50-11-400, 50-11-410 and SC Code of Regulations 123-52.
Measurement Procedures & Standards for Antlered Deer
For the 2 Optional Antler Restriction Tags a deer must have a minimum of 4 points on one antler OR a minimum 12” inside antler spread.
- A point is defined as a projection that is at least one inch long. Points are measured starting at base where it arises from the top of the beam or another point. (Fig. 1)
- Inside antler spread is measured at a right angle (perpendicular) to the center line of the skull at its widest point between the main beams. (Fig. 2)