July 29 - August 4, 2013


Most of the wet weather on Monday was concentrated along the coastal plain. A Charleston NWS employee measured 6.53 inches of rain in three hours, one mile north of the Charleston Southern University campus. Myrtle Beach received a 24-hour total of 2.05 inches. The state's highest elevations observed out-of-season cooling on Tuesday morning. Long Creek and Hunts Bridge noted a minimum of 60 degrees. While most of inland South Carolina observed sunny, warm weather on Tuesday afternoon, seabreeze-induced showers formed near the coast. The Georgetown AP reported a rainfall of 0.70 inches. The last day of a rain-soaked July ended on Wednesday with thundershowers from the mountains to the sea. 2.05 inches of rain fell at Table Rock, 2.15 inches fell at Barnwell and 1.50 inches fell at the Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station. July ended with a rainfall range of 20.56 inches at Table Rock to 3.71 inches at the Charleston City Waterfront Park. The Florence Regional AP July rain total of 14.91 inches set a record. Other record July rainfalls included the Anderson AP (15.39") and the Greenville-Spartanburg AP (14.45"). The Columbia Metro AP July 2013 average high temperature of 88.4 degrees was the coolest July since 1975. August arrived on Thursday with more unsettled weather. Late afternoon storms near Fork Shoals and Walhalla produced one-inch diameter hail. A CoCoRaHS volunteer observer recorded 3.22 inches of rain at McCormick. Longtown reported a 24-hour total of 1.98 inches and Chesterfield reported 1.76 inches. Some drier air eased into the western counties on Friday, following a weak frontal boundary. Most of Friday's showers fell east of the Midlands. Summerville reported the heaviest total with 0.80 inches. On Saturday, Greenville, Florence and Edisto Beach all warmed to 88 degrees. Localized rains fell at the Georgetown AP (0.74") and at McClellanville (0.58"). Afternoon humidity values of over 50 percent joined with low 90-degree temperatures to make for a sultry Sunday. Sullivan's Island recorded the state's highest Sunday afternoon shade temperature of 95 degrees. The state average temperature for the seven-day period was near the long-term average.

The highest official temperature reported was 96 degrees at Pinopolis on July 30. The lowest official temperature reported was 59 degrees at Caesars Head on July 29. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 2.35 inches at McCormick ending at 7:00 a.m. on August 2. The state average rainfall for the seven-day period was 1.3 inches.


                              Weekly   Jan 1   Departure     
        Anderson AP            0.01    46.66     20.4
           Greer AP            0.09    47.08     18.4
   Charlotte, NC AP            0.16    33.58      8.6
  Columbia Metro AP            1.69    36.56      9.1
      Orangeburg AP            1.07    37.84      9.1
Augusta, GA Bush AP            2.25    40.68     13.5
        Florence AP            1.77    42.05     16.1
  N Myrtle Beach AP            1.94    37.33      8.5
      Charleston AP            1.52    42.11     12.8
    Savannah, GA AP            3.67    40.14     11.5
Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.  


4-inch depth soil temperature: Columbia 82 degrees, Charleston 85 degrees.


South Carolina river stages were near to above normal. Ocean water temperatures at Springmaid Pier Myrtle Beach were reported at 81 degrees.