N Myrtle Beach, Charleston City and Hilton Head recorded low temperatures on Monday morning above 80 degrees. During the afternoon peak heating, Clemson, Lake Wateree, Ft. Moultrie and Beaufort all registered 101 degrees. Violent storms on Monday evening produced a wind speed of 78 mph at the Donaldson Center Industrial Airpark in Greenville. The USC campus rain gage in Columbia measured 1.44 inches in just thirty minutes. High winds downed trees and caused property damage in Irmo. Thunderstorm clusters continued on Tuesday. Fishing Creek Dam near Great Falls received 3.83 inches of rain, McEntire ANG AP near Eastover, 3.07 inches. A sunny Hardeeville recorded 100 degrees Tuesday while a cloudy Bennettsville only warmed to 82 degrees. A series of shallow, southeastward-moving boundaries began to affect the state on Wednesday. Multi-cell, afternoon storms brought generous rainfall coverage to much of the state. On Thursday at noon, the Springmaid Pier reported a matching surf and air temperature of 82.9 degrees. Tropical-like downpours fell over the beaches with N. Myrtle beach receiving 2.66 inches and McClellanville 2.30 inches. The Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station sweltered under 101 degree heat and high humidity on Friday. Lingering clouds held temperatures on Saturday in the upper 70's and lower 80's for much of the Upstate. Locations south and east, and within the unstable air, observed more thunder and heavy rain. Saturday's storm at Chester left 3.42 inches of rain. July 2010 rainfall totals ranged from 0.69 inches at Saluda to 9.86 inches at the Charleston Airport. With the exception of the southernmost counties, August began with cloudy skies and the welcomed absence of the oppressive summer heat. Newberry reported a Sunday high temperature of 85 degrees. The state average temperature for the seven-day period was three degrees above normal.
The highest official temperature reported was 103 degrees at Clinton on July 26. The lowest official temperature reported was 69 degrees at Chesnee on August 1. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 4.10 inches at Longtown ending at 7:00 a.m. on August 1. The state average rainfall for the period was 1.9 inches.
Weekly Jan 1 Departure
Total Total from Avg
Greer 3.96 28.22 -2.6
Anderson 0.54 27.91 -0.2
Columbia 3.70 23.31 -6.6
Orangeburg 1.97 26.72 -3.2
Charlotte, NC 0.62 23.45 -2.4
Augusta, GA 3.48 21.57 -6.1
Florence 1.72 29.17 2.2
N Myrtle Beach 3.41 22.25 -2.8
Charleston 1.22 35.88 6.0
Savannah, GA 0.58 25.50 -3.7
Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.
4-inch depth soil temperature: Columbia 84 degrees, Charleston 88 degrees.
South Carolina river stages were near normal. Ocean water temperatures at Springmaid Pier Myrtle Beach were reported at 83 degrees.