Comfortable shade temperatures were the product of a dry air mass that overspread the state on Monday and remained through Tuesday. At 3:00 PM on Monday, both Orangeburg and Columbia reported relative humidity values of just 32 percent. Sunrise temperatures on Tuesday morning cooled to 59 degrees at the Conway and Hartsville airports. At 1:00 PM on Tuesday, Florence observed 86 degrees and a relative humidity value of 33 percent. A few strong thunderstorms developed across the Upstate Wednesday evening and moved southeast before dissipating. Walhalla received 0.72 inches of rain. Isolated, convective storms developed again on Thursday with the Crabtree Swamp rain gage near Conway measuring 1.05 inches of rain. Drying, west winds began influencing the weather Thursday afternoon with building heat that lasted through the weekend. Hilton Head reported 97 degrees on Thursday. Bennett's Point and the Beaufort MCAS both logged a 95-degree high for Friday. The Sandhill Experiment Station recorded a 24-hour open pan evaporation water loss of 0.51 inches ending at 7:00 AM Saturday. The year's first hundred-degree observation for South Carolina occurred on Saturday afternoon. Johnston baked under a maximum temperature of 102 degrees. Lake Wateree and Bamberg noted 101 degrees. On Sunday, a full day of sunshine pushed the thermometer to the state's overall highest readings of 2010. Columbia's Hamilton-Owens AP, Eastover's McEntire ANG AP, Sumter's Shaw AFB and Orangeburg AP all registered 100 degrees. Following the peak heating hours, a line of thunderstorms formed over the eastern Piedmont and began moving southeast. The storm's path went through Florence at around 7:45 PM with intense rainfalls that resulted in localized street flooding. The state average temperature for the seven-day period was five degrees above normal.
The highest official temperature reported was 103 degrees at Bamberg on June 13. The lowest official temperature reported was 50 degrees at Jocassee on June 8. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 1.83 inches at Pickens ending at 7:00 a.m. on June 10. The state average rainfall for the period was 0.2 inches.
Weekly Jan 1 Departure
Total Total from Avg
Greer 0.13 20.76 -3.1
Anderson 0.00 19.64 -2.8
Columbia 0.05 12.97 -8.3
Orangeburg 0.08 15.60 -5.7
Charlotte, NC 0.16 20.65 0.6
Augusta, GA 0.17 13.80 -7.2
Florence 1.82 17.98 -1.0
N Myrtle Beach 0.22 13.31 -4.2
Charleston 0.00 22.01 2.0
Savannah, GA 0.00 19.24 -0.4
Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.
4-inch depth soil temperature: Columbia 82 degrees, Charleston 85 degrees.
South Carolina river stages were near to below normal. Ocean water temperatures at Springmaid Pier Myrtle Beach were reported at 82 degrees.