February 9, 2015 - February 15, 2015

Orangeburg warmed to a mild 71 degrees on Monday before showers moved over the Savannah River from Georgia. At 3:00 p.m., Allendale reported heavy rain with an event-ending measurement of 0.77 inches. Additional totals included 1.07 inches at Clemson, 0.86 inches at Union and 0.74 inches at Florence. At 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, Myrtle Beach reported blowing rain within north winds of 23 mph and gusts to 29 mph. At the same time, freezing air was arriving over the state's highest elevations. Hilton Head AP noted north winds at 2:00 p.m. gusting to 37 mph. Hemingway's high temperature only reached 45 degrees. Table Rock, Chesnee and Cedar Creek recorded a Wednesday minimum temperature of 25 degrees. It was 32 degrees at the Georgetown AP. Twenty-four-hour open pan evaporation values of 0.07 inches were measured at Sandhill and Barnwell. Gusting west winds behind Thursday's cold front reached 43 mph at Anderson AP and 44 mph at Columbia Metro AP. The 4:00 p.m. relative humidity value at McEntire ANG AP dropped to 15 percent. Coastal locations ahead of the frontal boundary managed to warm into the middle and upper 60's. The high temperature at Georgetown and Jamestown climbed to 69 degrees. Gusting north winds on Friday delivered very cold conditions. Little Mountain reported a morning temperature of 22 degrees and it was 24 degrees in Allendale. York and Springmaid Pier never made it to 40 degrees. Saturday's low temperature at Rock Hill fell to 19 degrees and 20 degrees in Union. High winds buffeted the state on Saturday afternoon and during the night. At 8:59 p.m., the Clemson Oconee AP recorded west winds gusting to 58 mph. Wind speeds reached 44 mph at McEntire ANG AP, 43 mph at Greenwood County AP and 41 mph at Winnsboro's Fairfield County AP. Just after midnight, the Aiken Municipal AP recorded 45 mph and Columbia Metro AP recorded a gust of 46 mph. There were reports of toppled trees in Pickens and Oconee counties. On Sunday morning, the temperature fell to 18 degrees at Greenville-Spartanburg AP and Fountain Inn and to 21 degrees in Hartsville. Sunday's high temperatures at Florence (53 degrees) and Columbia (54 degrees) actually occurred at 12:01 a.m. as cold air advection overran the state. At noon, Catawba Regional AP in Chester noted 32 degrees and a relative humidity value of just 10 percent. Mostly sunny skies on Sunday offered little warmth against the cold. The Sunday afternoon temperature at Rock Hill and Marion topped out at 36 degrees. The state average temperature for the seven-day period was four degrees below the long-term average.


The highest official temperature reported was 73 degrees at Allendale and Cades on February 9. The lowest official temperature reported was 14 degrees at Caesars Head and Sassafras Mt. on February 13. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 1.52 inches at Shaw AFB Sumter ending at 7:00 a.m. on February 10. The state average rainfall for the seven-day period was 0.4 inches.


                              Weekly   Jan 1    Departure 
        Anderson AP            0.59     4.29      -1.7
           Greer AP            0.46     5.20      -0.7
   Charlotte, NC AP            1.00     4.20      -0.9
  Columbia Metro AP            0.18     3.43      -2.0
      Orangeburg AP            0.38     3.60      -2.0
Augusta, GA Bush AP            0.33     2.66      -3.3
        Florence AP            0.74     3.85      -0.9 
  N Myrtle Beach AP            0.14     4.55      -0.9
      Charleston AP            0.12     4.51      -0.8
    Savannah, GA AP            0.24     5.16       0.0


Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.  


4-inch depth soil temperature: Columbia 49 degrees, Charleston 49 degrees.


South Carolina river stages were near to below normal. Charleston Harbor reported a water temperature of 50 degrees and Springmaid Pier at Myrtle Beach reported a surf water temperature of 46 degrees.