January 5, 2009 - January 11, 2009


Warm weather was reported on Monday and Tuesday with many sites sharing temperatures in the middle 70's. Areas of heavy rain fell across the Upstate from Monday into Tuesday morning. Table Rock measured an event total of 3.83 inches. Flashes of lightning and pockets of intense rain accompanied an eastward-moving boundary early Wednesday morning. Strong winds during the day mixed to the surface with gusts peaking at 59 mph over the Florence AP. Colder air eventually replaced the mild conditions Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning, minimum temperatures were back below freezing. Afternoon high temperatures on Saturday warmed to 72 degrees at Jamestown ahead of a weak boundary and another round of showers which began overnight and continued into Sunday morning. Johnston received 0.48 inches of rain for the 24 hours ending at 7:00 a.m., Sunday morning. Periods of sunshine, through high clouds and near seasonable temperatures, ended the week. The state average temperature for the period was nine degrees above normal.

The highest official temperature reported was 78 degrees at Beaufort, Pritchardville, and Orangeburg WP on January 5. The lowest official temperature reported was 22 degrees at Table Rock on January 9. The heaviest 24-hour rainfall reported was 2.70 inches at Caesars Head ending at 7:00 a.m. on January 7. The state average rainfall for the period was 0.6 inches.


                       Weekly   Jan 1   Departure     
                        Total   Total   from Avg
         Greer           2.33   02.80      1.3
      Columbia           0.57   00.74     -0.8
    Orangeburg           0.35   01.02     -0.5
 Charlotte, NC           1.77   02.31      0.9
   Augusta, GA           0.60   00.98     -0.5
      Florence           0.43   00.49     -1.0
N Myrtle Beach           0.15   00.42     -0.8
    Charleston           0.05   00.19     -1.2
  Savannah, GA           0.20   00.23     -1.2   

Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.  


4-inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 54 degrees.


South Carolina river stages were near normal. Ocean water temperatures at Springmaid Pier Myrtle Beach were reported at 54 degrees.