1st Place
Samuel Ramsey
CrossRoads Middle School
Teacher: Tez English
2nd Place
Bria Turner
Heathwood Hall
Teacher: Mrs. Clare H. Scurry
3rd Place
James Stephen Kennard
Laurence Manning Academy
Teacher: Michael Hodge
Honorable Mention
Augusta Bauknight
Heathwood Hall
Teacher: Mrs. Clare H. Scurry
Honorable Mention
Dakota Billings
White Knoll Elementary
Teacher: Laurie Jackson
Honorable Mention
Nathan Downer
Laurence Manning Academy
Teacher: Caroline Buyck
Honorable Mention
Ryan Bing
Whitesides Elementary
Teacher: Mrs. Hewitt
Honorable Mention
Sammy Derrick
School of the Arts
Teacher: Marie Nichols