Family Fishing Clinics

Have you ever been fishing or has it been a long time since you 'wet' your line? If you are intimidated by how to tie a Palomar knot or proper casting techniques for all situations, then we have a class for you. Family Fishing Clinics is an introductory class to fishing.
Family Fishing Clinics will teach skills on how to tie fishing knots, how to rig a rod and reel, casting and the best part is everyone will get to try their hand at fishing. Kids from ages 4 to adults are welcome, so come out and play, enjoy the outdoors and make this a Family Fun Day!
For more information regarding an upcoming Freshwater Family Fishing Clinics event or want to host an event of your very own, please contact Will Mundhenke, or 803-737-8483.
For more information regarding Saltwater Family Fishing Clinics or to host your own event, please contact Pam Corwin, or 864-804-7881.
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