Lake John D. Long

Lake John D. Long is an 80-acre fertilized lake providing largemouth bass, bluegill, shell-cracker and catfish fishing. The lake offers a boat ramp, fishing pier and is handicapped accessible. Lake John D Long is located off Highway 9 and Black Bottom Road in Union County.
General Information

Property Location: Union, SC 29379
Latitude: 34.775
Longitude: -81.511
Acreage: 80
County: Union
Property Type: Public Fishing Lake
Hours of Operation:
Open 1/2 hour before official sunrise to 1/2 after official sunset, 7 days a week.

Take Highway 49 east from the Town of Union go approximately six miles and turn to the left at the Lake Long entrance. This is the picnic and dam side of the lake.
Other access can be reached by leaving John D Long Lake Road and turning left onto SC Hwy 49. Travel 0.2 miles and take a slight left onto SC Hwy 105. Travel 1.9 miles and turn left onto SC Hwy 9. Travel on Hwy 9 for 2.2 miles to a left on Black Bottom Road. Continue to follow Black Bottom Road by veering at curve to the right. Lake at the end.