Lake Cherokee

Cherokee Lake is Cherokee County is a 50-acre lake that offers a boat ramp, fishing pier and is handicapped accessible. Fishing opportunities include largemouth bass, bluegill, shellcracker, and catfish.
General Information

Property Location: Gaffney, SC 29340
Latitude: 35.042
Longitude: -81.572
Acreage: 50
County: Cherokee
Property Type: Public Fishing Lake
Hours of Operation:
This lake is open 24 hours a day to fishing. The lake is open for all other allowed purposes from 1/2 hour before official sunrise to 1/2 hour after official sunset.

Take Highway 105 south from Gaffney about 5 miles to the community of Lake Cherokee, turn to the left at the DNR sign saying Lake Cherokee. This road dead ends into the lake, this is the boatramp, fishing pier and picnicking side of the lake.
To access the dam side of the lake continue on Highway 105 south another mile to a stop sign and turn left, this is Highway 329, go approximately half a mile and turn right onto Smith Road to the dam of the lake where the road dead ends.