Citizen Science Opportunities - Freshwater Fish
Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer your time helping wildlife? Are you willing to help collect data on species and their habitats? Maybe you want to teach others about fishing or hunting. Chapter 5 of the 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan lists education and outreach efforts as one of the fundamental strategies needing implementation in South Carolina to benefit priority wildlife species and their habitats. In particular, SCDNR and its partners should "promote volunteer participation, both in education and outreach programs as well as in data collection. [High priority]."
There are many opportunities for the public to help gather information that biologists and researchers can use in assessing species and their habitats. Sometimes our biologists need seasonal help with specific projects. That's when our volunteers become vitally important. Listed below are some citizen science weblinks. Some are for SCDNR programs while others take you to our conservation partners' websites.
- Help rear native fish for research purposes through the North American Native Fishes Association.
- The Angler Recognition Program through SCDNR recognizes anglers with trophy-sized catches of blue catfish, brown trout, crappie (both white and black), largemouth bass and striped bass by giving them a certificate and bumper sticker; in return the agency gains valuable data on fish species populations.
- Let us know if you are interested in becoming a Certified SCDNR Fishing Instructor you can register online. Contact SCDNR at 803-737-8483 or email us at about attending the next upcoming Certified SCDNR Fishing Instructor Training.