DNR Managed Lands
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources manages public lands through two distinct programs. The Heritage Trust Program was created to conserve those natural features and cultural resources that are quickly disappearing as the state’s population increases in size. The Wildlife Management Area Program was initially developed to provide quality public hunting opportunities throughout the state. Today, its multiple use concepts provide opportunities for all wildlife enthusiasts.
The Wildlife Management Area Program
The Wildlife Management Area Program (WMA) began in 1948 with an agreement between the US Forest Service and SCDNR to manage 60,000 acres of the Francis Marion National Forest. The US Forest Service Land is still the backbone of the Wildlife Management Area Program with 629,906 acres available for public use.
Today, over 1.1 million acres in the WMA Program are open for public recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing and nature study. They include DNR-owned properties and lands leased from the US Forest Service, other state agencies, utility companies, several local governments, timber management and investment corporations and private landowners.
The program is funded primarily through revenues generated by the sale of WMA permits required for all hunting activities on WMA lands. Wildlife Management Area boundaries are indicated with yellow Management Area signs.
Rembert C. Dennis Building, 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201
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